Five Stories That Matter in Michigan This Week – June 9, 2023

  1. Michigan House Approves Bills to Protect Domestic and Sexual Violence Victims

The Michigan House of Representatives, in bipartisan fashion, voted on June 7 to approve a series of bills that aims to increase support services and add privacy protections for victims and survivors of domestic and sexual assault. For example, House Bill 4421 would allow photos and videos of crime victims to be blurred if they are viewable in court proceedings that are made public.

Why it Matters: Lawmakers who introduced the bills argue that the legislation will increase access to support services for domestic and sexual violence victims, and also will protect their privacy and shielding them from additional harassment.


  1. Michigan Cannabis Sales Exceed $245 Million in May

Cannabis sales surpassed $245 million in May, via the monthly report from the Michigan Cannabis Regulatory Agency. Michigan adult-use sales came in at $238,867,535.00, while medical sales came in at $7,051,723.96, altogether totaling $245,919,258.96.

Why it Matters: Marijuana sales remain strong in Michigan, particularly for recreational use. However, there still are significant concerns about profitability and market over-saturation that the industry is contending with.


  1. Client Alert: IRS Announces 2024 Adjustments for HSAs & Excepted Benefit HRAs

The IRS has released its 2024 annual inflation adjustments for Health Savings Accounts (“HSAs”) as determined under Section 223 of the Internal Revenue Code. Specifically, IRS Revenue Procedure 2023-23 provides the adjusted limits for contributions to a HSA, as well as the high deductible health plan (“HDHP”) minimums and maximums for calendar year 2024.

Why it Matters: HSA contributions for an individual will increase in 2024 to $4,150 from $3,850 in 2023, and the minimum deductible on a HDHP for an individual will increase to $1,600 in 2024 from $1,500 in 2023. Read more from your Fraser Trebilcock attorney.


  1. NLRB General Counsel Issues Memo on Non-Competes

On May 30, NLRB General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo issued a memo that non-compete provisions in employment contracts and severance agreements violate the National Labor Relations Act except in limited circumstances.

Why it Matters: The memo details that non-compete agreements hinder the ability of the employee from exercising their rights to take collective action to improve their working conditions, making these non-competes unlawful under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act.


  1. Anti-Distracted Driving Laws Enforced June 30

Beginning June 30, Michigan motorists will be prohibited from using any mobile electronic device while operating a motor vehicle, even if at a stop sign or red light. This includes sending/receiving texts, accessing social media, or recording videos.

Why it Matters: First time offenders will face a $100 fine and/or 16 hours of community service, in addition to one point being added to the individual’s driving record. Penalties will increase for repeated violations, and on the third offense, individuals may be required to take a drivers improvement course.

Related Practice Groups and Professionals

Cannabis Law | Sean Gallagher
Employee Benefits | Robert Burgee
Labor, Employment & Civil Rights | Dave Houston